Saturday, 23 October 2010

Drive. That's not a command.

There are so many words in the English language that have more than one meaning and even more that sound similar to each other. 'Minute' can be both a measurement of time and of size meaning either sixty seconds or something very tiny - like my vocabulary, for example. You could fit all the words I know into a sixty second gap, making it both a minute and minute.

Confused, yet? So is most of the nation, so don't worry. A staggering amount of people get the most every-day words mixed up, well, every day. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that, unless you're a Grammar Nazi. I know a few, myself, and I can't say it hasn't rubbed off on me a bit. I think one of the biggest problems is the use of 'their', 'they're' and 'there'. As in; I hope they're coffees don't get shaken up over their after there moved because of the toxic waste spillage. Admittedly, it took me about 10 minutes to type that last sentence in order to get it wrong. In my head, it's nigh on impossible. Of course, I'm not going to nit-pick. Never had nits, myself, but there's a first time for everything, I suppose. I make enough grammatical errors myself on a day to day basis. You've probably noticed, already, that I, being the speech-style writer that I am, use, far too often, the pause-inducing, highly annoying, list-making comma. It's a weakness, what can I say? I mean, come on. When you're over-zealously trying to make some witty, smart ass comments on a blog read by half the population of your local Lidl you can't help but try to add some class. When I say class, I do, of course, mean parsimony. Having said that, though, I can't say I've ever shopped in Lidl. I'm more of a FarmFoods sort of person.

Which, loosely, brings me onto my second point of the day. Drive. Yes, it's what I meant to talk about but went off on a word tangent. Again. Although, it was loosely related to the topic I was talking about. If you think about it; 'drive' can be either the verb 'to drive' or the noun 'drive' as in, that thing you have in your head. Y'know, the thing that makes you do stuff. Know what I mean? I don't mean your brain, although, technically, that does make you do stuff. Mainly make bad judgement but that's not the point.

We all have different things that motivate us. For some, it's success while, for others, it's failure. Some people may be driven by love or passion and some by money. If you're like me and you're indecisive you may be driven by all of them. Or some of them. No, one... I'll get back to you on that one. Sometimes you think you have none, but really, it's there waiting to bite you on the arse and give you a reality check. A bit like karma. The simple fact is, we all have drive. Whether it's taunting (because that's what it does really, right?) you to do good or even evil, like the Joker to turn Gotham city into Chavam city or whatever, it's there. It might take a bit of self-motivation to find it, but it's there. So keep on trying - like Katie Price. Look where that got her! *sulk*

You'll notice that the image used here has nothing to do with the post. That really isn't my problem.


Lost Boy said...

lmao..another great post my amazing Noodle friend :D ...and so very true!

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